

Summary Before my trip I got some basic information about England. Most important things I noticed were of course left sided streets and that I need to get adapter for sockets. We had an adapter so I took it with me and I got use to the left sided roads very fast. When I arrived first think I noticed was that at the airport and railway station everybody were kind and helpful. I asked help few times and every time lady at the information booth was calling me sweetheart and understood that I'm not a local and helped me with everything. As soon as I got to Joan's house to drop off my luggage I went for a walk. At walk I saw strange 10 cm x 10 cm metal squares across the street that pointed out a zebra crossing. Nobody actually used them because everyone was jaywalking. On my first week I was walking around Leeds and Headingley. Headingely is part of Leeds and there lives mostly students, it's like a student area. Leeds is beautiful city with lots of old buildings ...

Last day and heading back to Finland

Last day Monday: Today is my last day in England. On my last day I bought more souvenirs and packed all my bags, checked my documents and everything else.  After I did that I clear my part in fridge and my room. I reserved time from Uber to pick me up in the morning to the train station. That is mostly the whole day. Finland Back to Finland: My journey back to Finland started at 05:05 a.m. in the morning when Uber picked me up. I got with Uber to the railway station, where I got train to the Manchester airport. In the airport my plane took off 09:45 a.m. to Stockholm. From Stockholm my journey continued to Helsinki on another plane. I arrived to Finland around a four o'clock. In Finland my mother picked me up and we went to my cousin's house in Espoo and we spent a few hours there. We arrived home in Kouvola around nine o'clock. I will write a summary about my time in Engalnd in another blog post in few days.

Last weekend

Day 22 Last things to do: Today started my last weekend in Leeds. I woke up around 12.00 p.m. and after breakfast I went to the city to walk around. I boight gifts for people close to me, and of course for myself. Later that day I went for a run and made meal for myself and in the evening I walked around Headingley to see how it differs from Finnish night life. Students are having fun and almost everyone wears something different outfits. For example I saw Ninja Turtles, elfs, stormtroopers from Star Wars and The Simpsons characters. Night life out here is different than in Finland, that's sure. Day 23 Last things to do: Sunday I didn't do anything interesting. I slept well, ate good meals and started to packing my bag. I started packing my bags because I got few more ideas what i should get home from here. Also my flight leaves at 09:45 a.m. and that means that I need to wake up around 04:30 a.m. I'm planning to post a blog where I will list my favourite t...

Railway museum and three normal workdays

Day 19  Wednesday: After work I walked home and didn't do anything interesting that day so it was an uneventful day altogether. Railway museum: In York I visited the railway museum, even though I'm not so interested in trains. Railway museum was founded in 1975 and the museum won the European Museum of the Year prize in 2001. It was great to see how trains have changed along the years. There are over hundred of trains and about two-hundred other railway vehicles. My favorite trains were the old ones, I didn't care so much about the new trains. Entry to the museum is free but donations are welcome. In addition to trains there are more to see, for example train engines and paintings. Railway museum is close to the train station and I highly recommend to visit it even if you don't like or care about trains. Afrer railway museum I walked around the city and saw the minster again at night. I also bought few souveniers and something to myself. After walking it wa...

Last day with Graham and Food in York

Day 18 Last day in Technology campus: Today was my last day in Technology campus, because Graham is taking three days off. For the next three days I will be with the estates in Park Lane campus. Today we went with the estates to landfill to drop a full van of garbage. It was my first time in the car that was driving on the left side of the road. It was a bit scary, but I trusted Phill who drove the car. Food in York:   After I visited the York minster I walked a bit around the city. I walked for about an hour and saw a crepe stand. I bought a crepe with nutella inside which you can see in the photo. I'm a chocolate lover so it was delicious. After the crepe I walked around the city visiting some shops and boutiques including a very narrow street with different Harry Potter shops. There was like ten different Harry Potter shops, for example shop with wands, shop with brooms and many others. After the "Harry Potter street" I went to the pub to get something to...

Normal day and York Minster

Day 17 Monday: Students don't have school this week because of holidays, so it was a boring day. That's why me and Graham just talked for a few hours. After work, I walked home even though it was raining. It wasn't heavy rain though and despite the rain, the sun was shining. In the evening, I went for a run and cooked food for myself. York Minster: York Minster is the most famous attraction in York. Minster is the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter which was fully finished in 1472 but the stone structure was completed in 637. Minster is beautiful and I really wanted to see it inside, but i don't know why but it was closed, or I just didn't understand something, I didn't see an entrance or open doors. At least I saw it from outside and it really was gorgeous. I also climbed on the city walls to see it. The city was very beautiful and I liked it very much. I would like to visit York again but with someone. It's not the same to walk...


York Part one, Yorkshire Museum: I decided to write this journey to York in few blogs, so I can tell in every blog something interesting. This time I will tell about Yorkshire Museum which was the first place I visited in York. Yorkshire Museum tells about Yorks history, people of the empire, and Yorks jurassic world which told about fossils of dinosaurs that were found in the area of York, mostly about ammonites and other creatures that lived in the water. My favourite part were large hoard of 1858 Roman coins. It was found at the Wold Newton in Yorkshire by David Blakey in 2014. I don't know why it was my favourite part, but it looked nice. Also I liked a mosaic just because you could walk on it. Other interesting parts were for example skulls and skeletons of the people of the empire. I wanted to see the gardens outside near the museum but it was under construction, I still saw an old wall next to the museum. Tomorrow I will tell you about the old York Minster w...